International Institute for Sport History
Library and Museum



The IISOH is seeking a benefactor willing to donate
$1 million (one million Dollars) or more
in order to establish an endowment for the sport of GOLF.

This is a naming opportunity for the donor to have a perpetual identification with the sport of GOLF.
The endowment would be named by the benefactor with the approval of the IISOH Board of Directors.

The endowment becomes a permanent trust fund invested by the Institute
with only the quarterly earned interest being used for development of the
GOLF collections in both the Library and Museum.

For more details about the IISOH endowment program, please click here


Cash donations IN ANY AMOUNT are always welcome --
$25 - $50 - $100 donations are greatly appreciated also.

The Board of Directors would like to thank all donors for their support. Every donation will be recognized
in our publications or web site pages. Donations over $250 will be honored by the Board of Directors with
an engraved brick to be placed on the patios or walkways that will surround the outdoor cafe and scultpure gardens.

Larger donations will be acknowledged with larger plaques in marble, stone or bronze and displayed on designated
walls of honor inside or outside the buildings in accordance with the instructions of the Board of Directors.
To view the current acknowledgement page go here.

Our plan calls for a large complex where the Library and Museum will be surrounded by sports fields, playgrounds,
sports and recreation facilities, and a restaurant with an outdoor cafe. We are undecided about the golf program
and plan a small three hole course unless we get a benefactor to donate the funds for a full size 18 hole golf course
with an endowment that provides for future maintenance costs.

To become a Charter Member or make a cash donation --
go to this page now.


The Library and Museum eagerly accept donations of material that are within the scope of its collections.
Collectors are encouraged to send us books, monographs, theses & dissertations, magazine and subscription collections for the library,
as well as medals, pins, torches, posters, artwork and collectables for the Museum.

LIBRARY donations:

MUSEUM donations:

These lists are not comprehensive and are limited only by your imagination!
Keep in mind that Golf is an international sport that originated in Scotland in the 1400's. We seek everything,
in every language, in order to develop a comprehensive collection on the history of this "old and ancient" sport.

For additional sports and topics that we seek to endow,
click here to see the list in the SUBJECTS page.

The IISOH is a Pennsylvania Non-profit Educational, Literary and
Research Corporation under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code.
The IISOH is organized to operate a library and museum for the
History of Sport
Physical Education
Sport in Art
Olympic Games

Donations are tax deductible

Links to pages about the International Institute for Sport History.

Mr. Harvey Abrams, President
International Institute for Sport History (IISOH)
PO Box 175
State College, PA, USA 16804


This page was created February 23, 2002
This page was updated March 12, 2010
This page was updated January 4, 2012