International Institute for Sport History
Library and Museum


The IISOH is seeking a generous donor who can fund the
with a minimum donation of $1 million.

The donor will have the opportunity to name the BASEBALL ENDOWMENT --
with the approval of the Board of Directors.

For specific details about the Endowment Program, click here.

The endowment will perpetually fund the development of the BASEBALL collection in both the LIBRARY and MUSEUM of the IISOH.

The entire donation is placed into a trust fund and invested in accordance with the instructions of the Board of Directors. The interest from the
investment is then used, on a quarterly basis, to fund the acquisition of books, programs and other printed matter for the Library collection in order
to develop a world-class research collection. Significant historical material for the Museum will also be acquired through this endowment.

The IISOH is a Pennsylvania Non-profit Educational, Literary and Research corporation
under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue code
organized to operate a Library and Museum devoted to the HIstory of Sport, Physical Education, Recreation,
Dance, Sport in Art and the Olympic Games.
Donations are tax deductible


Donations of cash IN ANY AMOUNT are always welcome, of course.
We will strive to get every baseball fan in America to donate $5.00 or more in order to enlarge the endowment
so that the acquisitions department has funds to acquire material on a regular basis. All donors will receive recognition
for their support in the Institute's publications. For donations of $250 or more, the Board of Directors would like to honor the donor
with an engraved brick to be placed on the patios and walkways that will surround the buildings. Major donations will be honored through
engraved plaques inside or outside the buildings on designated walls of honor in accordance with the wishes of the Board of Directors.

Click here to send a donation or become a Charter Member now.


The Library and Museum eagerly seeks donations of material that are within the scope of its collections.
Donors are encouraged to send us baseball books, monographs, theses & dissertations, magazine and subscription
collections for the library, as well as baseball memorabilia, posters, artwork and collectables for the Museum.

Illustration of a baseball game by Currier & Ives, 1866.

LIBRARY donations:

Material in ANY language, including but not limited to English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portugese,
Flemish, Swedish, Finnish, Danish, Norwegian, Latin, Greek, Russian, Ukrainian, Serbo-Croatian, Hebrew, Arabic, Japanese,
Chinese, Farsi, Sanskrit and dozens of others.
The scope of the collection is international and comprehensive.

MUSEUM donations:

These lists are not comprehensive and are limited only by your imagination!

Keep in mind that BASEBALL is an international sport that originated in England where it was known as ROUNDERS and became popular in the USA
after the American Civil War. Abner Doubleday, an American General in the Civil War,

has been credited as being the inventor of baseball - but this is not true as baseball historians
have long known this myth was fabricated by poor research and nationalism. By 1876 there were professional teams. Baseball became the national game of Americans in the late
19th and early 20th century with construction of stadiums and the growth of sports sections in newspapers. It has grown and become very popular in Cuba and Japan as wll as many
other countries in the world.

We seek everything that has ever been written about Baseball in every language of the world. Biographies and autobiographies, team manuals, books about Little League,
the Negro Leagues, Professional Women's baseball and college and university media guides. If it's about baseball, we want it for our collection. In Japanese as well as English.
Keep in mind that we are not a Hall of Fame and have no intention of competing with the National Baseball Hall of Fame or any other museum for memorabilia
such as baseball uniforms, balls and bats. Our mission is for scholarly research and education. We look forward to a very professional and mutually rewarding relationship with
the Hall of Fame and other organizations through research and educational programs.

(left to right: Babe Ruth, Sandy Koufax, Yogi Berra, Connie Mack)

The Institute's long-term goal is to become the most comprehensive research collection in the world, so if you have material that you would like to donate -- please contact us.
After the IISOH has constructed a facility to house the collections -- the Library and Museum will be open to the public.

For additional subject areas that we seek, see the list in the SUBJECTS area for endowments.
Go here to see the Subject List.

The IISOH is a non-profit, educational, literary and research organization
incorporated in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to operate a library and museum.
The IISOH is a charitable organization under 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code.
Donations are tax deductible.

Links to pages about the International Institute for Sport and Olympic History